
Active since 2013.

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Projects in progress Projects in progress


– Support for Justice and Peace, implemented in Mali (2021-2026)
– Health and Rights for Women, Adolescent Girls and Children, implemented in Mali, Burkina Faso and Benin (2021-2027)



Lawyers Without Borders Canada has been active in Mali since 2013 and has had a permanent presence there since 2015. Its team operates from its office in Bamako.

“I am particularly touched by the fact that the JUPREC project was able to mobilize all social strata and even armed groups around transitional justice issues. I appreciated the often very close but fraternal debates. As a Malian, I am proud to participate in this workshop.”

- Participant in a dialogue workshop on transitional justice

In Mali, mentalities are slowly changing. changent.


From 2013 until today.

in Mali

Together, let's fight impunity, strengthen access to justice, make Malian women's rights a reality, promote peace and reconciliation in Mali.